What Is Software Development?

Software development. What is it? How do people do it? Who does it? What purpose does it serve? Is it just a buzzword? All of these questions will be answered in this article.

The basics

Software development is the process of creating and maintaining applications, websites, and other complex systems. A developer is someone who writes computer programs. Some developers, otherwise known as programmers, focus on writing programs that people can use, while others focus on creating low-level code that runs your computer or device. When you think about what software development is you probably think about planning, designing, developing, and testing software applications. Applications focus on computer software that are either stand-alone programs or part of a larger system. These types of applications will use different technologies and programming languages. There are many careers that feature duties involved with software development including web design, network administration, and applications developers.

Front end

If you’re looking to get into the world of software development, you might have heard about front-end development. But what is it? Front-end development is the process of writing code that runs on the user’s computer. It’s what allows you to see a website or app—it’s the part of your device that runs all of the visual elements and controls what you see on screen. The term “front end” comes from how websites work: when you open a new site in your browser, it loads up all of the content from top to bottom. The first thing you see are the elements that make up the “front” of the site—the header, footer, navigation bar, etc. So when we talk about front-end development, we’re talking about building these parts of a website or app. From there, there are many different types of front-end languages and frameworks that allow developers to create different kinds of websites and apps. These include things like CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), HTML (HyperText Markup Language), JavaScript and jQuery (JavaScript libraries), AngularJS (a framework for building web applications), ReactJS (a library for creating user interfaces), and more!

Back end

Back-end software development is the process of writing code that works behind the scenes to connect users, servers, and databases. It’s what makes your favorite website work—the parts that power all of the buttons, images, and videos you see when you’re surfing online. In other words, back-end development is what makes it possible for you to see a photo on Instagram as soon as it’s uploaded. Or for Amazon to know what books you’ve added to your wish list. Or for Google Maps to tell you which way is south when you’re lost in an unfamiliar city. The back-end development team is responsible for making sure all of these things happen seamlessly without any hiccups or delays—and without any headaches for users!

Software development. What is it? How do people do it? Who does it? What purpose does it serve? Is it just a buzzword? All of these questions will be answered in this article. The basics Software development is the process of creating and maintaining applications, websites, and other complex systems.…

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